Chanel Portman

Senior Graphic Designer based in
Los Angeles, California.

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Brand identity 
Shop page design


MENO menopause vitamins

During my time at O Positiv, I often partnered with our Art Director to develop distinct brand identities for each product. For MENO, a menopausal vitamin, my role entailed crafting the brand identity, as well as designing the logo and shop page.

Our process began with a comprehensive survey among eight menopausal women, revealing prevalent concerns such as night sweats, hot flashes, and a loss of identity. With MENO, our objective was to instill a sense of tranquility, renewal, and empowerment among our target audience. The visual identity of MENO is anchored in the notion of finding serenity amidst the turbulent journey of menopausal transition.

Art Direction + Packaging Design: Tiff Win
Copy: Emily Maloney
Photography: Jack Strutz
Prop Stylist: Casha Doemland
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